Friday, January 10, 2014

Background Research

-The scientific name of the daisy is Bellis perennis
-Insects are attracted to this plant
-The pollen gets stuck on the outer wall of the flower and when the insect goes to the flower to feed, the pollen gets stuck on the insects body parts. Then the insect goes to other flowers to feed and thats when the pollen is transferred.

-Scientific name is Fuchsia magellanica
-Humming birds are attracted to fuchsias
-The humming bird is attracted to the bright red pedals
-When the bird is drinking the plants nectar the pollen falls onto the head of the bird and when the bird goes to other plants to feed the pollen falls off and goes to the other plants. That's how it goes from flower to flower.

False Cedar:
-Scientific name is Cedrus deodara
-This plant is wind pollinated
-It creates a large amount of pollen so when it catches in the wind it has a greater chance of being transferred to a plant of the same species.

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